Thursday, October 18, 2007

Student Council Update: Harvest Homecoming, Talent Show, etc.


This week, Student Council continued planning for the fast approaching Harvest Homecoming. Unlike Harvest Fest in years past, Harvest Homecoming will have a greater emphasis on the games; however, the most drastic change will be the absence of grade fundraising. This year the administration has made large alterations to the fundraising process at Beaver. As of this year, classes and groups cannot fundraise without a specific purpose in hopes of bringing more money to the school. This change means some former fundraising events, such as Harvest Fest, must be reformed. However, financial help will still be granted to classes and groups that need it.

In student council, we also tried to work out some of the logistics of the talent show in November. Currently, we have set up a drop box on First Class so anyone can sign-up quickly and easily. To sign up, type in “Talent” and write your talent as the subject. The prizes, though still in discussion, are guaranteed to be coveted and valuable. This year we have a strong desire to make changes and organize events that the student body wants. We started thinking of ways to reconstruct Winter Carnival because the poll results showed a great interest in expanding it. One of the most discussed topics for the event was what Beaver apparel would be good to sell to raise money for future events. At the meeting, each grade gave an overview of any future plans for the grade and progress they had made during the past week. Other topics of discussion were future fundraisers as well as the possibility of painting murals in the cubbies.

As always, Student Council would love to hear your ideas. Please tell a member of Student Council if you have any suggestions or grievances, or come to our meetings at 8:00 on Tuesday mornings.

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